Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Anxiety vs Rest

Driving my youngest son to the hospital for yet another test, anxiety and fear threatened to overtake me. This precious boy, who is so dear to me, is about to undergo a potentially life-threatening procedure. Our doctor and I agreed that the benefits outweighed the risks, but it is still scary.

As the feelings of panic welled up, God reminded me that He is still in control and the verse that has been on My heart often came to mind, Lamentations 3:21. It says (in the Marchauna Revised version), "But this I call to mind, therefore I have hope...the steadfast love of the Lord never changes. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning. Great is Thy faithfulness." What an amazing promise!! It isn't a guarantee that life will go smoothly, that everything will be ok, and that I'll never experience pain. Instead, it is a promise that I am not alone, that God is faithful, and that no matter what I do, I will never come to the end of His mercy. What a gift.

We are still waiting for the results from the MRI. I have no promise that tomorrow will dawn bright or clear. But I still have a reason to hope, and that gives me rest.

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