Tuesday, December 22, 2009

You really CAN take it with you

I'm a pretty proud parent, in a subtle, unassuming sort of way. I love, no, I absolutely adore my children and have invested my entire life in caring for them and preparing them for adulthood.

I also love Jesus and believe the Bible is true. I believe in a literal Heaven and a literal Hell, and I believe some people will choose to go to Hell (because God doesn't choose to send anyone there-we can talk about that later). Because I hold these to be facts, I am also investing my life in teaching my children about Jesus. And the reason is simple; my children are the only treasure to be in Heaven with me.

You've probably heard the comment that not many U-hall trailers are pulled behind a hearse. The reason is, the person riding in the hearse doesn't need their "stuff" anymore. They could not take anything with them; it all got left behind. Many different cultures tried to send provisions with the dead, but all attempts have been futile. That is why treasure hunters find treasures in tombs.

But, since my children are my greatest treasure, and since those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved and go to Heaven, then all my children who have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ (5, to this point) will go to Heaven. We will be there together. My greatest treasure will be with me. I can't imagine a more wonderful way to invest my life, or a more worthwhile return on my investment.

1 comment:

Infarrantly Creative said...

Hey thanks for taking time to comment on my blog. You got sucked in because of a fleece hat pattern huh? Poor thing...haha. I hope you didn't stay up too late reading my story. Please stop by anytime. Blessings to you and yours this CHRISTmas.